Workplace conflict, if left unaddressed, can result in the following:
HBA Consulting has two former Fair Work Commission/ Australian Industrial Relations Commissioners within its consulting team who specialise in workplace mediation. In undertaking mediations, they draw on their decades of industrial and work experience across a wide range of public, private and not-for-profit employment settings. Their extensive experience in dealing with all types of industrial disputes and complaints means that they can design and deliver a professionally structured, practical and outcomes-focused workplace mediation process that maximises the likelihood of achieving a worthwhile and workable outcome.HBA Consulting has two former Fair Work Commission/ Australian Industrial Relations Commissioners within its consulting team who specialise in workplace mediation. In undertaking mediations, they draw on their decades of industrial and work experience across a wide range of public, private and not-for-profit employment settings. Their extensive experience in dealing with all types of industrial disputes and complaints means that they can design and deliver a professionally structured, practical and outcomes-focused workplace mediation process that maximises the likelihood of achieving a worthwhile and workable outcome.
By focusing on a mediated outcome that the parties in dispute individually own, our consultants can reduce the costs and time typically involved with dispute settlements and, in many cases, restore good working relationships between the parties while avoiding potential legal processes.
Most employment frameworks include specific processes to enable employees who believe they have been disadvantaged or not provided with access to part or all of an employment term or condition to raise the matter of concern to them and have it reviewed.
Often, this process is most effectively and efficiently managed by an experienced HR practitioner from outside the organisation, as frequently, the issues associated with the dispute have already involved one or more internal HR or corporate staff. Continued attempts to resolve the matter internally can risk a real or perceived conflict of interest or bias.
Dispute resolution must be carefully managed within the industrial framework and any workplace policies and procedures within the organisation. Our consultants have decades of experience in identifying the applicable policies and procedures and developing and implementing a process that is both compliant with the employment requirements and is conducted professionally and empathically.
Workplace conflict, if its left unaddressed, can mean for a workplace one or more of the following consequences:
HBA Consulting has within its consulting team two former Fair Work Commission/Australian Industrial Relations Commissioners who specialize in addressing and resolving workplace conflict via professionally structured and conducted workplace mediations. In undertaking conflict resolution via workplace mediation, they draw on their decades of industrial and workplace experience, across a wide range of public, private and not for profit sector employment settings. Their extensive experience in dealing with all types of industrial disputes and complaints means that they are able to design and deliver a professionally structured, practical and outcomes focused workplace mediation process, that will maximize the likelihood of achieving a worthwhile and workable outcome.
By focusing on working towards a mediated outcome that is owned by the parties in dispute, our consultants can reduce the costs and time involved in settling disputes and in many cases restore good working relationships between parties – and avoid potential legal processes.
29 Somerville,
PH : 02 6247 4490