Finding the right senior executive for your organisation is one of the biggest decisions your organisation will make. The repercussions for getting the wrong fit can be long, disruptive, expensive and arduous. HBA Consulting Consultants will work with you to find the right senior executive for your organisation and guide you through the recruitment process.
We work closely with our clients to determine the exact requirements for the role and develop a profile of their ideal candidate. This is then used as the basis for the job advertisement as well as providing information to potential candidates.
Rather than the standard fee charged by other executive search companies which is normally +/- 25% of the Executive salary that simply provides a candidate, we offer a different and flexible approach to billing which ensures you have control over the process and only pay for what you need. We can provide you with a complete end-to-end recruitment services, or you can select the different recruitment tasks and only pay for the services that you need.
Our unique offering not only ensures our clients recruit the right candidate who is a good fit for the culture of the organisation, meets the specific position requirements but is also more likely to be retained because they and their manager are professionally supported after the candidate is selected. HBA Consulting provides an ‘end-to-end’ recruitment offering that not only supports the organisation through the standard recruitment and selection process but also supports the new candidate and their manager, setting up their first 100 days for success in their new position and organisation. We also provide ongoing coaching and mentoring, engaging with the candidate and their manager to ensure continual growth in the executive level role.
The following sets out what we offer during each stage of our end-to-end recruitment process:
Your HBA Consulting recruitment consultant will facilitate a thorough briefing with the direct manager and other stakeholders to document the job requirements and gather additional content for the position description. This briefing will cover the responsibilities of the role, key objectives and deliverables and links with the corporate strategic plan. From this briefing, HBA Consulting will develop a position profile to assist with advertising as well as providing detailed information on the role to potential candidates
Has the vacant Senior Executive level role been assessed in the previous 2-3 years? HBA Consulting can provide a streamlined process for classifying new Senior Executive roles or reviewing the classification and remuneration of existing roles. This is completed in conjunction with any relevant Work Level Standards (WLS) or Executive capability frameworks as well as an in depth briefing with the direct manager, gaining their views and expectations on what the role is required to do.
HBA Consulting will create a job description designed to attract the best talent for this role. This creates clarity and ensures employee expectations are aligned with business expectations and sets the basis for success in recruiting the right person for the role.
Getting the Employee Value Proposition right is central to finding and keeping a great candidate. We will create a recruitment advertisement that aligns with the cultural setting as well as the role responsibilities and expectations. HBA Consulting will liaise with the client to ensure sign off prior to posting on agreed job boards/recruitment channels/Executive search processes.
Your HBA Consulting recruitment partner will create relevant recruitment process templates such as telephone or video interview questions, reference checking templates and email templates to help keep candidates updated on progress throughout the recruitment process, within a consistent and professional presentation throughout.
We will assess and verify the key relevant information contained in all candidate’s resumes and applications. All candidates who meet the majority of the core/essential requirements will be included on the initial short list and discussed with our client prior to finalising the filed for interview.
We will complete an initial telephone or video interview with the candidate to establish a sound knowledge of the candidate’s communication skills, salary expectations, notice period requirements, motivation for the role and cultural fit. A transcript of this conversation will be provided at the shortlisting stage.
HBA Consulting is able to identify the likely behavioural synergies and alignment between the team and organisation by utilising a range of targeted testing tools and processes that help to identify key core capabilities for each shortlisted candidate. Used well and targeting core role capability requirements, this type of testing can deliver important information that can add considerable depth and insights into the recruitment process and the final decision making process.
Shortlisting of candidates will be based on meeting the essential requirements of the role. We will provide a list with a comprehensive overview of the candidates including the candidates initial telephone/video interview notes, resume and response to role specific criteria.
HBA Consulting will notify the candidates who were unsuccessful at shortlisting stage.
We will book and schedule interviews with the selected candidates ensuring that panel requirements are taken into consideration as well as candidate care, including considering the precautions needed in relation to COVID health directions.
Your HBA Consulting recruitment consultant will assist with writing the interview questions for our clients, complete with additional prompting questions and scoring matrix/scale/rating method.
If required, HBA Consulting can participate as part of the panel to assist with exploring the candidates’ responses in more detail. We have experts in across numerous fields who can provide objective quality assurance throughout the recruitment process.
Our offices provide the privacy and discretion required when recruiting at the senior executive level. We have a range of offices available, including additional ones that can be used by panel members during breaks in the interview schedule. We will provide an assistant to meet and greet candidates and ensure candidate care during scheduled interview days.
We can provide scribing services if required to capture the decision-making process and deliver a Selection Panel Report complete with recommendations and individual assessments in a timely manner.
Reference checks will be completed by HBA Consulting via telephone using questions agreed with our client for the short-listed candidates. Often these have a mix of generic and candidate specific areas of focus. Referee responses and comments will be included as part of the Selection Panel Report.
HBA Consulting can liaise with the successful candidate to negotiate an agreed and suitable remuneration package on behalf of our client.
Feedback will be provided to unsuccessful candidates by our consultants as part of the recruitment process. This will be based on their individual assessments at interview.
Throughout the recruitment process, we will provide a careful and professionally designed and delivered candidate management experience including, managing and directing candidate enquiries, keeping candidates informed on the process, providing job information to candidates and regular reporting to our client on progress.
Our consultant will conduct a briefing with the direct manager of the new Executive to establish the business priorities and assist in setting expectations and performance parameters for the new candidate. This will assist with forming the performance agreement and subsequent discussions when the new candidate commences.
We will work with the manager of the new Executive to compile an incoming candidate briefing covering current directions and business initiatives, key projects underway, relevant staffing and structure information as well as any issues that the new candidate needs to be aware of. This frames the key focus areas for the new candidate right from Day 1.
Our consultant will liaise with the relevant HR, IT, Security/Facilities and Finance areas to ensure all onboarding requirements are met prior to their commencement day to ensure their first experience with the organisation is a very positive one.
We will also liaise with the direct manager/executive assistant to determine the meeting schedule for the first week of commencement. This needs to include all key Executive peers in the organisation and other identified key internal and external stakeholders.
The first week should also include meetings with direct reports and a general team/group meeting to introduce the new candidate to the broader Branch – usually led by the manager of the new Executive. There should also be some time set aside for the new candidate to complete any mandatory induction training/briefings and be issued work related equipment/materials (e.g. lap top, phone, passes, credit card etc).
Our consultants will partner with the new Executive and direct manager to create a personalised 100-day plan that is aligned with organisational goals, strategies and measures.
The 100-day plan will include:
HBA Consulting can provide ongoing leadership coaching for the new Executive so they can move forward with confidence and can tangibly see how the organisation is investing in their growth and capability development. Our consultants will support them to consider different perspectives, question assumptions and practise new ways of thinking, individually and within their leadership group. This will be one-on-one coaching and will be tailored to individual needs.
29 Somerville,
PH : 02 6247 4490