HBA Legal Advisory draws on decades of practical, professional experience across three key disciplines that often combine to create workplace management challenges – industrial law, employment law and Human Resources Management implementation – to assess how to best address employment and industrial relations matters that arise regularly within the workplace.
Our Legal Advisory team takes an integrated view of the workplace management challenge that is referred to us by our clients and diagnoses the presenting and any underlying issues, using a three-dimensional assessment process, that takes into account:
As a result, for our clients there is no need to seek advice from a range of specialist providers and attempt to coordinate and consolidate potentially disparate elements of advice – HBA Legal Advisory does the assessment and integration for you and provides it to you in a single piece of advice that covers all three components – employment law, industrial law and Human Resource Management policy, practice and implementation. Our advice offers pragmatic and effective solutions to your disputes:
This minimises the risk, maximises efficiency in terms of assessing issues and developing advice and enables our clients to address matters referred to us in a holistic way and quickly, consistently and confidently.
Our key consultants have between them more than 40 years of combined experience, across the public and private sector employment markets.
Review of existing Agreements, drafting of clauses, bargaining strategy development, enterprise bargaining negotiation assistance, coaching and mentoring of management bargaining representatives, due diligience services for completion and lodgement of Agreement documentation with the Fair Work Commission (including BOOT assessments), representation in Fair Work Commission disputes and conciliation and arbitration conferences;
Including internal dispute settlement using mediation or counselling, advice on disciplinary matters, assistance in workplace investigations, independent mediation between employee representative bodies and management, advice on terminations, suspensions, recommendations on disciplinary sanction or management action, probation. We can also provide representation in external jurisidicational claims in the Human Rights Commission, Fair Work Commission or industrial courts.
Compliance review and drafting of internal employee policies and procedures, conduct and drafting of documentation pertaining to performance management matters and conduct investigations, drafting and settling of employment contracts (including senior management, independent contractors and all categories of employee (casuals, fixed term, part-time and full time) , letters of offer, advice and assistance in management of underperformance, advice and assistance on code of conduct matters, workers compensation, and termination of employment.
29 Somerville,
PH : 02 6247 4490